How To Dip For Your First Dance: Beginner Wedding Dance Tips

Suggestions for Learning to Dip for Your First Dance at a Wedding [+video]Hello brides and grooms, in this article you’ll learn five tips to make your wedding dance dip awesome there are actually so many ways of doing dips out there but we’re going to teach you the easiest and safest way to do the day these are the same tips that we’ve been using for the past 15 years with our students at the studio not only are they able to dance the dip with ease and confidence but they also look great for those of you who are new to this website Make sure the lady is stable before you go off, and likewise, ladies, make sure the man’s ready for you when you’re doing the dip. You don’t want to just go off and do it yourself, which we have seen some couples do; definitely let’s see what that looks like. Clara’s going to go now, that’s just like she’s going ballistic going in there and she’s going to take me over, but of course I know what’s going to happen, so I’m a little bit prepared, but for you guys, we want to make sure that we are together. Let’s figure out what exactly that means.

Claire goes out, she comes back in, and we pause so that we are stationary for just a moment before we go into a dip. Therefore, both of us are on the same page, and we’re ready to go into that dip safety first exactly, so let’s show you this one more time without us talking. You’ll just see what we mean by how long a pause you really need to do. Tip number two is body position.

How to dip someone for a kiss
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What is the right way to dip?

Here’s how to do Dips with proper form:

  1. Grab the parallel bars and jump up, straighten your arms.
  2. Lower your body by bending your arms while leaning forward.
  3. Dip down until your shoulders are below your elbows.
  4. Lift your body up by straightening your arms.
  5. Lock your elbows at the top.


We need to make sure that we know exactly where our bodies are in relation to each other so that we can do the dip securely and safely. What we don’t want to do is rely solely on our arms. No matter how big your biceps are, the dip will always be much better if we have body positions in the right position versus holding our partner only with our arms. Clara goes out, we make a dip, and then we go in, and then Clara’s holding on as if she’s dangling from a cliff from my neck it’s a lot of stress on the neck and also not recommended yeah plus it just doesn’t look good for the pictures yeah so let’s go into where we want the hands specifically okay now gentlemen as we prepare the lady we want her right hand to wrap your waist and it’s going to look like this If we now talk about the other hands, we’ve already established the wrap around the man’s waist.

Now, gentlemen, you can take your right hand and place it just above the lady’s hip as well as your left hand on the middle of her back, and ladies, our left hand can just rest naturally on the man’s arm so that when we go into the dip, the hands are not only very secure and keeping our bodies together, but they’re also looking quite elegant. Tip number four is to use your core. Dr. Seuss is going to show you two ways that you can do the dip ladies with a flat back or a curved back yeah but either way we want to make sure that you don’t drop your core let’s see what we’re talking about tip number four is don’t drop that core please don’t drop that core ladies so we’re gonna try and show you uh a dip without the core engaged okay here we go good luck to us all yeah but the bass the bass is the most important because it’s like having this big huge tree without roots if you don’t have roots with the slightest amount of wind you’re gonna topple over we’re going to demonstrate you that tree that’s gonna topple over in the wind so out goes clara here we go and then we’re gonna go into a dip now if you notice specifically for me leads yeah my base or the width of my feet was very narrow then i went for the dip and that’s where the tree kind of started to tip over yeah this is something that we don’t want to do never yeah if we do this correctly now we are going to have the arms the back the core everything engaged but we need to make sure that our base is nice and wide yeah so if i do that by myself gentlemen it’s going to look like this looks much like a side lunge action exactly exactly instead of like this where even right now i feel like i’m going to fall over and gentlemen ladies feel way more secure when you have that wide base exactly and ladies you might notice that i take a little bit of a step as well so that i can have a base to support my body so if you just do that one more time take a look and see what happens to clara’s feet we’re going to pause for just a moment here now joel’s foot is going to go out to the side but watch what happens to claire’s foot there’s a little sneaky step that goes back sneaky step sneaky step and that actually gives a lot of support for claire’s body because it’s not only me but she is also supporting her body weight at the same time in fact i could even probably do that dip by myself if i take a big enough step to support myself so let me just see if i can try that okay good luck to me good luck she’s just showing off now we’re gonna go we’re gonna go into this zoot and watch this no hands and now for our bonus tip oh bonus tip nice make sure that when you’re in the dip that you hold it for at least four counts that’s right because we know that uncle bob with the camera might be enjoying your dance so much and it’s oh the diff the end and he needs to get his camera and take a picture for you guys before you get up because we don’t want a half dip picture and ruin uncle bob’s marvelous picture taking the actual wedding photographer oh oh yeah let’s see what we’re talking about so a lot of couples go into the dip and come out so fast that no one has a chance to take a photo yeah let’s uh let’s see what that uh quick dip looks like out we go we got the dip okay did you guys see it okay thank you very much good night give me a bit of liquid there actually oh no sorry so we really want to make sure that we can hold it for at least four seconds yeah so be confident you’ve already got these five tips under your belt use them all yeah make sure you’re stable show off and be like and hold it for four seconds three two one and then we get ourselves to come up that way no one gets whiplash and you get a great photo so guys if you found any of these tips helpful and you’re just a little bit more confident in dancing a dip at your wedding please feel free to like and hit that subscribe and notification bell button down below and if you need a more detailed plan on exactly how to master your wedding dance check out our checklist over here and the link is in the description below if you’d like to have direct access to joel and clara get your questions answered right away there’s another link down in the description below that you can get a hold of us Thank you for perusal, and I’ll see you later.

F.A.Q – 💬

❓ How to do your first dance?

The grand entrance of your first dance is important as all eyes will be on you! Stand up tall, keep your head up and enter the dance floor confidently. Once you get to th
e middle of the dance floor, remain calm and listen to the music before you start dancing.

❓ What is the first dance at a wedding?

❓ How can I learn more dance moves for my wedding?

And if you'd like to learn more dance moves for your wedding, click the button below. The Duet Team is a group of friendly dancers who are passionate about helping people and sharing the joy of ballroom dance. And we love to make new friends and have fun at work! Duet Dance Studio is located in Chicago West Bucktown.

❓ Is this the easiest wedding dance tutorial online?

Like learning a new language, learning to dance takes effort and consistency. You won't be able to just watch the articles and then magically be able to dance if you don't actually practice the steps. But I promise, this is still the easiest wedding dance tutorial that exists online.

How to Dip For Your First Dance: Beginner Wedding Dance Tips
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  • “Weight Training For Dummies” by LaReine Chabut – Wiley, 2014
  • “Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies” by Alan L. Rubin, Cait James – Wiley, 2015
  • “Choices: To the Hills and Back Again” by Audrina Patridge – Gallery Books, 2022
  • “The Ballet Companion: A Dancer’s Guide to the Technique, Traditions, and Joys of …” by Eliza Gaynor Minden – Atria Books, 2007
  • “The Encyclopedia of Native Music: More Than a Century of Recordings from Wax …” by Brian Wright-McLeod – University of Arizona Press, 2005

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